GIRL: Ihave sinned. I called my boyfriend a BASTARD.
PSYCHIATRIST: Wellnow, that's not a nice thing to call anyone, so what did he do to deservethat?
GIRL: Well, he kissedme.
PSYCHIATRIST :Youmean like this? The psychiatrist kissed the girl
GIRL: ...... Yes!
PSYCHIATRIST: Wellthat's no reason to call him a BASTARD.
GIRL: But, he puthis hand in my top.
PSYCHIATRIST: Youmean like this? The psychiatrist put his hand in the girl's top
GIRL: Yes!
PSYCHIATRIST: Wellthat's no reason to call him a BASTARD.
GIRL: But, he tookmy clothes off.
PSYCHIATRIST: Youmean like this? The psychiatrist took off the girl's clothes
GIRL: Yes!
PSYCHIATRIST: Wellthat's no reason to call him a BASTARD.
GIRL: But, he hadsex with me!
PSYCHIATRIST: Youmean like this? The psychiatrist had sex with the girl
GIRL: .Yes!
PSYCHIATRIST: Wellthat's no reason to call him a BASTARD.
GIRL: But, then hetold me he has AIDS .
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ini sangat sesuai menggambarkan nasib luar biasa yang menimpa dua pemenang
17 hours ago